Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 4

The biggest change in me is my energy.  This protein & veggie rich diet with the added yogurts & fruit gives me nothing but energy.  I feel GREAT! If only I could bank this..

Last night we went for a family walk down to the school,  while the kids played I went for a trail hike, short and sweet,  maybe 20 minutes, but it was so nice. 

When I got back to the playground,  I played.  I was surprised at how much of the equipment is made to build core strength!  It was hard,  way harder than when I was a kid.  So my hubby and I challenged each other to hanging crunches, balance walks and climbing walls.  It was a blast & my tummy felt the burn.  We are making this part of our evening routine.  When he gets home, we go for a walk & a family play time together.

We were all happy, the kids, the dog and even my normally grumpy after work hubby too. I look forward to more evenings spent this way. 

Today I am down .6 of a lb.  I can't complain,  I mean that is a lot in one day.  No 5 or 2, but I'll take it!  At this rate I will be down 10 this week and that is A-Mazing.  I am looking forward to the next 2.2 lbs,  I haven't been able to break that barrier in 5 years.. If I loose 2.3 lbs, I will have entered into the realm of my first weight loss goal.  This goal I have had for 3 years. I have tried Weight Watchers, gym, Women Food & God, and now.. the 17 day diet and this one feels so promising!!! I can see it.. I can smell it... come on 2.3lbs.. I need you now... More than words can say.. I need you now...OK enough of the cheesy song..

Have a great day!   Xox Aly

*Things you may missed without reading between the lines:  Going for a walk when you drink litres of water a day:  Peeing in the bush, that's right.. I'm a class act.. but better than my pants I suppose!


  1. I love the idea of family play time! Honestly, this whole post is so energetic and perky. I can feel your happiness which is awesome! xx

  2. You can do it!!! <3 Tell me more about the 17 day diet?
