I started this blog not to share with people I knew, rather to give me some public form of having to stick to it, to keep me focused and of course give me an outlet to vent and look back on this journey while still being some what anonymous.
The reason I was not going to share this journal with friends or family on facebook, is because I know my writing style and I tend to write about my embarrassing truths without thinking about who is reading them.. and although I may be friends with hundreds of people on facebook, some I have not seen since I weighed 70lbs, not 70 lbs over-weight.. (change that.. now currently 64 lbs over-weight) and that to me was super embarrassing to admit publicly.
When I posted on my status that I was doing the Biggest Loser Challenge I was amazed at the amount of people who contacted me to find out more about the competition. And then it dawned on me.. if I write my blog in privacy and I stop, I am not letting anyone down but myself. If I choose to let those people who I care about in my life read about my journey I have created an instant support group.
The thought also crossed my mind that perhaps someone will come across this blog and find the motivation or support in becoming healthier with me. I know of a couple people who have decided to saddle up and gitty up along side and that to me is the best, thank you for being my pard'ners.
So this post is a BIG THANK YOU for being my support group. I am overwhelmed and over-joyed at the number of people who not only read this blog, but the number of people who have emailed me, texted me, left comments, facebook messaged me, and not one has been negative. Thank you for your support. I have tried my best to get back to each one of you, but if I have missed you along the way I am sorry, just know that I appreciate your words and support from the bottom of my shrinking gutt :)
**by reading this post you have unwillingly agreed (but agreed non the less) to be my butt kicking support group and are now bound to this agreement to email, text, and harass me should I stop blogging or fall off the weight loss wagon in any way, shape or form. Negligence to abide by these rules will result in termination of this contract**
I sign my name on the line! :)
ReplyDeleteHEART you!
Thank YOU very much! You are really motivating me. I even worked out last night AFTER the kids went to bed (who is that girl?).
I look fwd each day to reading your post and i have it as one of my fav's. I love your witty post and hope that by following them I can help encourage you. I use a website called dailymile to track my runs and I know that it's because of that site that I have kept my running up since getting back into it. Having a support group is huge. Keep up the excellent work!